viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Korsun-Cherkassy pocket: British lists (yes, British)

(English text below)

Para nuestra campaña de Korsun hemos creado una ficticia Fuerza Expedicionaria Británica en Ucrania para apoyar las operaciones soviéticas en el frente Sur. La BEF-Ukraine estaría compuesta de dos Divisiones de Infantería (1st Canadian ID, y la 50th Northumbrian), una División Acorazada (la 1st AD Británica) y una Brigada de tanques Churchill (la 21st Tank Brigade), casi todos veteranos del norte de África, que actuarán como una fuerza de élite para asegurar un segundo Stalingrado para los alemanes.

For our ongoing Korsun Campaign, we created a non-historical British Expeditionary Force - Ukraine tasked to support Soviet operations in the Southern front. BEF-Ukraine, a Corps-sized force would be comprised of 2 Infantry Divisions (1st Canadian ID, and 50th Northumbrian), 1 Armoured Division (the 1st AD -British-) and 1 Churchill Tank Brigade (the 21st TB), most of them seasoned veterans from North Africa that would act as an elite force to assure a second Stalingrad for the Germans!

Rifle Company - 50th Northumbrian [Turning Tide]

Confident Veteran

1. Rifle Platoon
2. Rifle Platoon

Weapons Platoons
Mortar Platoon
    1x Section .........................................................................=65p
> Anti-tank Platoon
    4x 6-pdr .............................................................................=135p
> Carrier Platoon
    1x patrol + 15p (3x Extra MG) ............................................=105p

Corps & Divisional Support
Assault Field Battery, Royal Artillery
    8x OQF 25 pdr ..................................................................=325p
> Assault Anti-tank Platoon (SP), Royal Artillery
    4x M10 3"SP .....................................................................=310p
> Sherman Platoon
    3x DD Sherman +15p (3x AAMG) .....................................=215p
Sherman Platoon
    3x DD Sherman .................................................................=200p


La compañía de rifles británica es un hueso duro de roer, ya sea a la hora de atacarla o de defenderse de ella. Su amplio abanico de medios de apoyo les confiere mucha flexibilidad en cada tarea, y hace que sean un temible oponente. No obstante, con sólo 2 PIATs en toda la formación, deberían tener cuidado de los asaltos acorazados enemigos.

The British Rifle Company is a hard nut to crack, whether attacking ir or defending against it. Its wide array of supporting assets makes them very flexible in every task, and a fearsome enemy. Nevertheless with only 2 PIATs in the entire formation, they should be wary of enemy tank assaults.

Tank Squadron - 21st Tank Brigade [BF Briefing]

Confident Veteran

    2x Churchill IV (NA75) ......................................................=230p
1. Tank Platoon
    3x Churchill IV (NA75) ......................................................=345p
2. Tank Platoon
    3x Churchill IV (NA75) ......................................................=345p

Corps Support
Rifle Platoon
    +10p (Sticky bombs) ........................................................=190p
Carrier Platoon
    1x patrol + 15p (3x Extra MG) ...........................................=105p
Field Battery, Royal Artillery
    4x OQF 25 pdr ..................................................................=185p
Anti-tank Platoon (SP), Royal Artillery
    4x M10 3"SP .....................................................................=310p
Air Observation Post
    Auster AOP .........................................................................=35p


El Tank Squadron hace buen uso de los segundos carros más pesados de la campaña, teniendo en cuenta que no se van a encontrar con ningún Tiger o Panther. Sus duras corazas les dan ventaja en duelos contra Panzer IV o StuG III, y el terreno embarrado Difficult Going apenas es un reto para sus Wide Tracks. No obstante, su lentitud y el pequeño tamaño de sus pelotones hace que sigan siendo presa fácil para los variados medios AT alemanes.

The Tank Squadron makes good use of the second heaviest tanks of the entire Campaign, taking into account that they are not facing any Tiger or Panther. Their thick hides give them the upper hand in duels against Panzer IV or StuG III, and Difficult Going muddy terrain is hardly a challenge to their Wide Tracks. However, they are slow and in small numbers, which makes them easy prey for the varied German AT assets.

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