Para nuestra campaña de St-Lô hemos limitado las Compañías elegibles a los libros y briefings de Normandía. Además, se ha fijado una puntuación máxima de 1575p a fin de fomentar una mayor variabilidad en las listas.
For our forthcoming St-Lô Campaign, only Companies from the Normandy books and briefings are eligible. In addition, a 1575p threshold has been set to encourage a greater variability in the lists.
Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie [Atlantik Wall] - 1575p, 7 Platoons
Confident Veteran
# HQ
65p +10p (Panzerfaust) +65p (2x Panzershreck) ........=140p
> Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoon
Full +10p (Panzerfaust) ...............................................=230p
> Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoon
Full +10p (Panzerfaust) ...............................................=230p
> Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoon
15p +85p (Mortar Section) +80p (Cannon Section) .....=180p
> Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Anti-tank Gun Platoon
3x PaK 40 ....................................................................=155p
> Tank-Hunter Platoon
4x Jagdpanzer IV ........................................................=380p
> Puma Panzerspäh Platoon
1x Patrol ......................................................................=100p
> Rocket Launcher Battery
3x NW 41 +55p (PaK 40) ...........................................=160p
Chendo ha elegido una Compañía mecanizada compacta y con mucha potencia de fuego, que puede alcanzar los 8 Pelotones gracias al Kampfgruppe. Con humo, Recon y una buena cantidad de medios AT y antipersonal, esta lista dispone de todo lo necesario para defender el Atkantikwall... y para encabezar un contraataque sobre la cabeza de playa aliada.
Chendo is going to field a compact and versatile mechanised Panzergrenadier Company with lots of firepower, that can grow to 8 Platoons through the Kampfgruppe national rule. Provided with Smoke, Recon and a good amount of AT and Anti-Personnel assets, this list has everything it needs to defend the Atkantikwall ... and to spearhead a counterattack on the Allied beachhead given the case.Panzergrenadierkompanie, 9. Panzerdivision [Atlantik Wall] - 1575p, 6 Platoons
Confident Veteran
# HQ
45p +20p (2x Panzerfaust) ........................................................=65p
> Panzergrenadier Platoon
185p +10p (Panzerfaust) .........................................................=195p
> Panzergrenadier Platoon
185p +10p (Panzerfaust) .........................................................=195p
> Panzergrenadier Heavy Mortar Platoon
4x 12cm sGW 43 .....................................................................=160p
> schwere SS Panzer Platoon
2x Tiger I .................................................................................=480p
> Tank-Hunter Platoon
4x Jagdpanzer IV ....................................................................=380p
> Panzerspäh Platoon
1x Patrol .................................................................................=100p
Panzerkanone se ha decantado por una Compañía Panzergrenadier motorizada con un fuerte apoyo blindado. Los Tiger de las SS se llevan casi 1/3 de los puntos de la lista, y serán un obstáculo importante para la punta de lanza americana, pero tendrán que tener mucho cuidado con los Hellcat, sobre todo por la ausencia de humo.
Panzerkanone has chosen a motorised Panzergrenadier Company with a strong armored backup. The SS Tigers, which draw almost one third of the list points, will be a thorn in the side of the American spearhead if they are able to keep any sneaky Hellcat at bay... with no smoke assets available.
Panzerkanone has chosen a motorised Panzergrenadier Company with a strong armored backup. The SS Tigers, which draw almost one third of the list points, will be a thorn in the side of the American spearhead if they are able to keep any sneaky Hellcat at bay... with no smoke assets available.
# HQ
35p +10p (2x Panzerknacker) .........................................................=45p
> Pionier Platoon
125p (2x Squads) +10p (Panzerfaust) ...........................................=135p
> Pionier Platoon
125p (2x Squads) +10p (Panzerfaust) ...........................................=135p
> Panzer Platoon [Confident Veteran]
4x Panzer IV Ausf. H ......................................................................=360p
> Jagdpanther Platoon [Confident Veteran]
2x Jagdpanther .............................................................................=460p
> Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Lehr Platoon [Confident Veteran]
Full +10p (Panzerfaust) ...............................................................=260p
> Armoured Rocket Launcher Battery [Confident Veteran]
3x Panzerwerfer 42 +15p (Extra Crew) ........................................=180p
A simple vista,la Compañía de Rgarcim es fácil de subestimar: CT, un número limitado de Panzerfaust, 6 Pelotones... Pero cuenta con un poderoso núcleo blindado Veterano que además es muy móvil. Los 2 Jagdpanther pueden parecer excesivos para el Frente Occidental, pero su veteranía unida a su poderoso frontal les puede convertir en casi inexpugnables en posiciones defensivas.
At first glance, Rgarcim's Company is easy to underestimate: Trained, only two Panzerfaust teams, 6 Platoons ... But it has a powerful armoured core of Veterans. The pair of Jagdpanther may seem overkill for the Western Front, but their Veteran rating and thick hides make them really dangerous opponents in defensive positions.
At first glance, Rgarcim's Company is easy to underestimate: Trained, only two Panzerfaust teams, 6 Platoons ... But it has a powerful armoured core of Veterans. The pair of Jagdpanther may seem overkill for the Western Front, but their Veteran rating and thick hides make them really dangerous opponents in defensive positions.
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