Los nuevos proyectiles 21cm Wurfgranate 42 sólo disponían de ojivas de alto explosivo, pero podían instalarse unos carriles adaptadores en los tubos que permitían lanzar los cohetes de 15cm Wurfgranate 41 con su amplia gama de cabezas (HE, humo y gas venenoso). Después de disparar, una larga estela de humo era visible desde largas distancias, haciéndolo vulnerable al fuego de contrabatería. Además, el característico aullido estridente de los cohetes antes de impactar hizo que se ganara diversos apodos entre los soldados aliados, como "Screaming Mimi" o "Moaning Minnie".
The new 21cm Wurfgranate 42 shells only had high-explosive warheads, but liner rails could be fitted in order to allow the barrels to use 15cm Wurfgranate 41 rockets with their wide array of warheads (HE, smoke and poison gas). After firing, a long trail of smoke was visible from long distances, rendering it vulnerable to counter-battery fire. In addition, the loud shrill howling noise of the incoming rockets made it to gain several nicknames by the Allied soldiers, as such 'Screaming Mimi' or 'Moaning Minnie'.
En Flames of War
Debo confesar que nunca he utilizado mis cohetes como NbW 42 por ahora. Su falta de humo es una seria desventaja, por lo que acaban representando a sus primos de 15cm. En las listas acorazadas alemanas el humo es obligatorio, y no suele quedar espacio para una segunda unidad de artillería, por lo que sus homólogos más baratos (o los Panzerwerfer blindados) son preferibles. En las listas de Infantería, su inclusión depende del mix de Artillería que se desee desplegar. En mi caso: morteros ligeros (pineo/humo) - morteros pesados (FP 3 +) - NbW 41 (polivalente). Otra interesante (y más barata) combinación se compondría de morteros ligeros (6 piezas) y NbW 42 o leFH 18 para añadir algo más de potencia.
In Flames of War
I must confess I have never used my rockets as NbW 42 so far. Their lack of smoke is a serious disadvantage, so I proxy their 15cm cousins instead. In German Armored lists, smoke is mandatory, and I don't have room for a second Artillery unit, so their cheaper counterparts (or the armored Panzerwerfer) have the upper hand. In Infantry lists, their inclusion depends on the Artillery mix you want to field. In my case: light mortars (pin/smoke) - heavy mortars (FP 3+) - NbW 41 (multi-role). Another nice (and cheaper) combination would be comprised of light mortars (6 units) and NbW 42 or leFH18 for extra punch.
I purchased Battlefront's NbW 42 blister simply because the command and observer teams were included, a feature sadly absent from the NbW 41 pack. They were my first serious attempt in basing, and that time I decided to cover the sides of the bases with sand. Albeit it is visually pleasant, I discovered to my dismay that they now fitted too tightly into my Battlefoam trays, and that means that I have to be quite gentle when putting the stands in and out to avoid scratching them too much. The spherical sand grains proved quite prone to fall off too.
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