This is the second installment of our V Walküre League forces, 2nd Row. Vor!
- Player #2: Panzerkanone
StuG Batterie, 280. Sturmgeschützbrigade [Bridge by Bridge] - 1740p, 8 Platoons
# HQ
StuG III Ausf. G ....................................................................=95p
> Assault Gun Platoon
3x StuG III Ausf. G ..............................................................=285p
> Assault Howitzer Platoon
3x StuH 42 ..........................................................................=285p
> Assault Gun Platoon
3x StuG III Ausf. G ..............................................................=285p
> Fallschirmjäger Platoon [Fearless Veteran, Ally]
2x Squads + 10p (Panzerfaust) ...........................................=195p
> Fallschirmjäger Platoon [Fearless Veteran, Ally]
2x Squads + 10p (Panzerfaust) ...........................................=195p
> SS Scout Platoon [Fearless Veteran, Ally]
2x Squads ............................................................................=115p
> Motorised SS Artillery Battery [Fearless Veteran, Ally]
3x 10.5cm leFH 18 ...............................................................=180p
> Heavy Anti-Aircraft Gun Battery [Reluctant Trained, Ally]
2x FlaK 36 +10p (Gun Shields) +5p (Transports) ................=105p
Sobre el papel esta compañía, con 8 pelotones de armas combinadas, es un rival formidable, pero si la revisamos cuidadosamente veremos que ese número se ha alcanzado a base de adelgazar pelotones clave. Las unidades de 3 StuG no soportan bien las bajas, y la infantería a pie difícilmente va a poder seguir el ritmo de los carros.
In theory, this Company, with 8 combined weapons platoons, is a formidable opponent, but if we look it twice we will realize that that number was reached by thinning key units. 3-StuG Platoons absorb casualties poorly, and the infantry on foot will hardly be able to follow tanks' pace.
Tank Company, Guards Armoured Division [Overlord] - 1745p, 10 Platoons
# HQ
2x Sherman V ......................................................................=135p
> Armoured Platoon
3x Sherman V + Firefly VC ..................................................=285p
> Armoured Platoon
3x Sherman V + Firefly VC ..................................................=285p
> Armoured Platoon
3x Sherman V + Firefly VC ..................................................=285p
> Armoured Regimental Recce Platoon
3x Stuart VI ..........................................................................=120p
> Scout Platoon
2x Carrier Patrols +30p (3x .50cal) ......................................=185p
> Lorried Rifle Platoon
Full +5p (Trucks) ..................................................................=155p
> Breaching Group
Sherman V + 2x Sherman Crab +40p (AVRE Section) .......=155p
> Field Battery, Royal Artillery
4x OQF 25 pdr ....................................................................=140p
Esta otra lista es más novedosa. 10 pelotones para una Compañía atacante es un poco demasiado. La decisión de meter el Breaching Group para ganar el Always Attack se diluye al tener que empezar con los 2 pelotones obligatoriamente (excepto en misiones con Mobile Reserves). Los roles secundarios repetidos (recce) drenan puntos que podrían haber sido mejor invertidos en mejorar los principales.
This other list is fresher. 10 squads for an attacking company is... a bit too much. Fielding the Breaching Group to win "Always Attack" could be counterproductive because you MUST begin the game with those 2 weak squads on the table (except in missions with Mobile Reserves). Repeated secondary roles (recce) drain points that could have been better spent on improving the main ones.
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