This is the fifth installment (of 6) of our III Walküre League forces. Enjoy!
- Player #2: Rgarcim
Ersatz Pionierkompanie [Grey Wolf] - 1745p, 5 Platoons
Confident Trained
# HQ
> Ersatz Pionier Platoon
2x Squads +10p (Panzerfaust) +30p (Supply Maultier) ........=200p
> Ersatz Pionier Platoon
2x Squads +10p (Panzerfaust) +30p (Supply Maultier) ........=200p
> Panzer Platoon [Confident Veteran]
5x Panzer IV Ausf. H .............................................................=450p
> Tank Hunter Platoon [Confident Veteran]
2x Elefant .............................................................................=600p
> Armoured Artillery Battery [Confident Veteran]
3x Wespe .............................................................................=235p
=================================================1745p, 5 Platoons
Definitivamente una opción atípica, la Ersatz Pionierkompanie de Rgarcim gravita alrededor de dos debilitados Pelotones de ingenieros desprovistos de cualquier apoyo estático. Si bien pueden tender campos de minas o alambradas y poseen Tank Assault 5, parecen demasiado frágiles para soportar un asalto decidido de infantería. Claramente, en este caso, la parte del león ha ido a parar a los dos Elefant, de dudosa eficacia. Además, la estructura de 5 Pelotones obligará a Rgarcim a crear un KG en Misiones Defensivas a partir de los Combat Platoons, reduciéndolos aún más. Por otro lado, en ataque, sus dos robustas unidades acorazadas son un valor a tener en cuenta.
Definitely an atypical choice, Rgarcim's Ersatz Pionierkompanie gravitates around two understrength Pionier Platoons deprived of any static support. Althought they can lay miefields or barbed wire and have an amazing Tank Assault 5, they look too weak to withstand a tenacious infantry assault. Clearly in this case, the lion's part went to the pair of Elefants, of dubious performance. Moreover, its 5-Platoon structure will force Rgarcim to create a KG from the Combat Platoons, shrinking them even further. However, on the attack its two robust armored units are an added value.
US Tank Company [Bridge at Remagen] - 1750p, 6 Platoons
Reluctant Veteran
# HQ
> Heavy Tank Platoon [Confident Veteran]
1x T26E4 Super Pershing +15p (Escorts) ...........................=290p
> Tank Platoon
2x M4A1 (76mm) +M4A3 (late) +M4A3E2 Jumbo ................=465p
> Mine Exploder Tank Platoon [Confident Trained]
2x Sherman Crocodile ..........................................................=140p
> Engineer Combat Platoon [Confident Veteran]
1x Operating Squad +60p (3x Bazooka) ...............................=215p
> Armored Rifle Platoon
1x Rifle Squad +0p (M3 37mm) -20p (Dismounted) ..............=195p
> Armored Field Artillery Battery [Confident Veteran]
3x M7 Priest .........................................................................=220p
==================================================1750p, 6 Platoons
En lugar de su ya clásica lista de Paras, esta vez Rgarcim se ha decantado por una US Tank Company. No es un diseño habitual, debo decir; 9 carros parecen pocos para una Tank Coy, y la falta de unidades Recon les hace aún más vulnerables. Sus dos pelotones de infantería no pueden seguir el paso de los carros y parecen un tanto redundantes. Además, los ratings mezclados (C/T, C/V, R/V) pueden ser poco intuitivos y nada fáciles de recordar en una partida. Por otro lado, la pareja de Jumbos son un auténtico salvavidas en una lista Veterana, y el Super Pershing por su cuenta, si bien puede ser complicado de eliminar, es tan caro en puntos que se asemeja a una especie de elefante blanco. Aun así, esta Compañía está llena de posibilidades, y permite emplear numerosas tácticas que se alejan de lo habitual
Instead of his classical Para lists, this time Rgarcim will field a US Tank Company. Not an ubiquitous design, I must say; 9 tanks, albeit Veteran, are a bit too few for a Tank Coy, and the lack of Recce units makes them more vulnerable. Its 2 infantry platoons can't keep the tanks' pace and look like a bit redundant. Also, their mixed ratings (C/T, C/V, R/V) may be counter-intuitive and not easy to keep track of. On the bright side, two Jumbos are a killer in a Veteran list, and the Super Pershing on its own can be really hard to bring down, but its cost makes it something like a 'white elephant'. Unbalanced as it is, this Company is full of possibilities and allows lots of out-of-the-box tactics.
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